Financial education is more important now than ever. Make money, keep money, grow money. Sounds simple, but it presents many challenges. Making money doesn't necessarily mean keeping money. Our vision is that with R€TIRED YOUNG we not only create additional sources of income for you, but also ensure that you can manage money well in the future through financial education, increase it and save it!
We all have certain beliefs about money through our upbringing and home-made rules. Before we incoherently give you every form of financial education, we start with the basics to build your understanding and knowledge properly from the start.
Most people have financial “struggles” because they do not have control over their finances (i.e. income and expenses). A larger income doesn't help you if you create more or larger expenses for yourself. In this video we provide a financial overview to help you get a feel for money and your expenses.
Always have money available when you need it? We would like to show you how to build up a healthy "cash flow", how to match your income and expenses, how to always have enough money available and at the same time make financially positive decisions.
A credit card has become an indispensable part of building a business. Neither your own business nor transactions through trading accounts or crypto wallets can be done without a credit card these days. There's no question about whether you should have a credit card, it's a resounding "YES", you need one. We explain to you in more detail what this is all about in this video.
It's okay to spend your hard-earned money sometimes. However, you should always pay attention to how you pay and what you pay for it. In this video you will receive 10 tips and tricks that have helped us and many people save money in everyday life and receive certain privileges.
Build up assets, reduce liabilities, that is the motto. Financial intelligence not only includes saving money, but also making your money work smartly for you. Nowadays, as a saver, you are essentially being dispossessed due to circumstances such as high inflation. This makes it all the more important to know how to invest your money in order to increase it? You can find the answers and approaches in this video!
We hope that we were able to offer you additional added value with our financial education academy. Another video titled “How to be smart with the money you earn in this business” can be found in Network Level 3.